Private Mix
Classic - Kylee
Kristen Turchi
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/27/2014 8:42:04 PM
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      My fav pic of these 2!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Put me in the MOVIES!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      ME & my SEXY SPECS!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Pretty Flowers
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      she just wants to drive
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      She loves dirt
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      I'm 2!!! Yummy...Cake!!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Like father--like daughter!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Her 1st 4-wheeler
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      she's crazy!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Kylee doesn't like the chickens when they are close to her
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      She was cold after the bath
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Ready to go!!
    • Classic - Kylee Mix Photo
      Kylee with her Nana

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