  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    epona treats me so well, thats why i strum her
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    could fall asleep the music i make is so beautifull
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    epona makes me happy
  • Classic - party jordan Mix Photo
    that was the night i got hit by a car. LoL i had to go to the er. i also had bleached hair cause one night i was drunk and... yaa...
  • Classic - party jordan Mix Photo
    LoL... my rtp members should remember this moment in time at amys house... life of the party here. LoL how embaresing.
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    this is me and my baby girl epona
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    watchin my cord progressions..... they get trixy sometimes.
  • Classic - tatts Mix Photo
    my knuckles
  • Classic - tatts Mix Photo
    my left wrist
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    dressed to impress
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    hey, you caught me on camara!!!! im surprised. LoL ;)
  • Classic - me and epona Mix Photo
    epona + my teen angst = music
  • Classic - tatts Mix Photo
    my right arm
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    those were the good ol days.. foot ball at the park.
  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    she is amazing

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