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Private Mix
Stream Mix
Gracelyn French
This mix contains all of the images and songs that have been posted to the stream.
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    My whole life is dedicated to this marching band ^_^
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    I seriously love my step-moms photography.
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    had so much fun with the bestest friend everrrrrr.
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    One of the bestest friends I could ever ask for :)
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    haven't been on in a long time. c; I died my hair green. kbye
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    Mikaela and I :) I was wearing her hat because it was really fluffy :)
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    Me and My Booooooo at a party awhile back. ): miss her
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    galaxy leggings... ;)
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    Collar bones>>> :) Don't get used to seeing my hair up. :)
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    My crew :) Me(Pink) Destiny(Yellow) Tyler(Orange) and Cameron(Black)
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    My laptop and I love each other. Taking him to homecoming next year, we're so in love ^_^
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    Ahh. Classic Bathroom Pictures. xD ~old~!
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    summer, please come back.. thanks :)
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    one of my favorites :)
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    I like one direction... ^_^
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    :) I look really skinny... I like it :D

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