Private Mix
Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister
Bobbie Froidevaux
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 8:46:11 AM
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      Rhonda in front of the house we grew up in.
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      The house we grew up in.
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      Rhonda and me in Castro Valley
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      Just me standind in front of the old place. Miss those days!
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      This is what I came home to after a day in San Francisco..lucky aren't I ; )
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      My Sister at pier 39
    • Classic - Sept 09 with my Sister Mix Photo
      Me and Rhonda at Pier 39 GREAT DAY

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