Mellonta Tauta appeared on the scene in 1994 with their Sun Fell album on the legendary Hyperium label (Germany's entry in the vein of 4AD).
This Argentinian band has a sound compared to Cocteau Twins, This Mortal Coil, etc, submerged in the realm of heavenly voices and neoclassical influences. Sun Fell - and the follow-up Fishes & Oceans ep - received very good reviews from the press and fans, then the band disappeared.

But the wait is over! Mellonta Tauta is reborn in 2013.

Twenty years later, they return with the all new album Rainbow Melodies, a beautiful journey through lovely melodies: a pure experience full of energy and beauty with great arrangements in a variety of alternative pop styles, graced with beautiful female vocals. A highly anticipated return for the fans and anyone who loves sweet, engaging, catchy alternative-pop music.

Mellonta Tauta is:

Daniel López Quiroga: guitars, bass, all arrangements & production

Karina Altamiranda: voices & lyrics

Federico Aldaz: drums & soul

2013 (C)&(P) Kaburé Records. All rights reserved.

Directed by: Julieta Palladino

Cosmia Productions

Pictures: DLQ

Q: Daniel, tell us more about your bandmates.

A: The history is that Federico and I played live together twice in '88/'89. And Karina participated in Mellonta Tauta's demo recordings in Argentina in March of 1990. I moved to Italy to create the Hyperium releases with vocalist Leticia. Recently, through Facebook, I reconnected with my original bandmates, and I was inspired to return to the sound we started many years ago.

Q: Yes, tell us more about Rainbow Melodies. The idea behind it, your inspiration, the spirit inside you that motivates this?

A: The need was urgent, the music was born and accumulating for years, happily reuniting with Karina allowed us to finish the work. Mellonta Tauta was sleeping for years; at one point I woke up in the same spirit, the same restlessness to explore new music. To create songs that I liked, basically, was the challenge. This album reflects the work of nearly three years, handcrafted and certainly reflecting the emotional essence of the original work. This time I can feel there is less dark and more light in the atmospheres and the melodies. There is less depression or distress, and there is more optimism, but without abandoning the melancholy. It is an eclectic album and every song has its own world and its own rules. I like that each song is different from the rest, the arrangements are not repeated, the sounds change and I did not have to tie myself to a rigid and strict formulation. The creative process with Karina was fantastic; we work hard looking for the right phrasing to each song. It is a very musical album, melodic with interesting instrumental moments, emotionally sincere every standpoint.

Q: Why the name Rainbow Melodies?

A: The title Rainbow Melodies responds to a purely emotional factor: a need to capture the excitement, the joy, of returning to work on a project of Mellonta Tauta. This prevails throughout the album with a certain luminosity, positive energy, and I think the "rainbow" sums it up. The chromatic palette applied to various musical moments of the album. Each song can be assigned a different color. The rainbow is also the triumph of color inside the storm, the light emerging from the gray clouds; the music that returns more colorful than ever, brighter, more vital than ever. We came back to stay!

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