Private Mix
Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot
Little Miss Higgins
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 1:09:34 AM
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Settin' up the camera...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      A view of the poker game
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      The perfect group of beer drinking extras...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Where's ya get that Cuban, Wayne?
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      I wonder what he's thinking...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Rob, the director of photography, pondering a shot
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Another view of the poker game
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Getting ready to be covered in snow...or rather, instant potato flakes.
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Foy covered in mud...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      The crew setting up the lights
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Extra, extra...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Singing that song again, and again, and again...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Close up...
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Still of Kenny Braun and Wayne Emmerson
    • Classic - "In the Middle of Nowhere" Video Shoot Mix Photo
      Little Miss, Wayne and Dean Hobman's hand

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