Private Mix
Classic - Family
Kristyn Evans
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 10:51:13 AM
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      hanging out at Mi Cocina with my cousins and bro for his bday (March 2007)
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      my bro & I
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      my lil bro Casey
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      My little brother Collin and I. Isn't he adorable!?!
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      Back in the day pic...Me when I was 19 and my great grandma. Love her so much and she still looks just as beautful today as she did then!
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      Me, my dad (in his ugly OU shirt lol!!!), my bro, and his adorable lil puppy Captain
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      Me and my step mom at my college graduation (Dec 2007)
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      me and my cousin Leslie at her Bachelorette party!
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
      Me and my cousins Ariana, Jenny, & Leslie
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo
    • Classic - Family Mix Photo

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