Private Mix
Classic - New Album
Katie Laur
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 7:15:47 PM
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Fred Taylor on fiddle/Dorothy Taylor on piano/Jack Haley on guitar
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Donna Wilson&Suzie Haley
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Dorothy and Fred Taylor, Leo on drums, Daddy on guitar
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Dorothy Haley on fiddle and Jack Haley on guitar
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Mason Ward/fiddle and Jack Haley/guitar
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      The Haley Sisters: Patti, Linda, Jackie, Sandra, and Nancy
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      The picture on the wall is Hank Williams and Audrey on their wedding day.
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Katie Laur singing Lovesick Blues on the 60th anniversary of its being recorded right where she's standing, at Herzog Studios on 8th St.
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Ralph Stanley and Katie at the CEA Awards
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Ralph & Katie
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      Ralph Stanley and Katie Laur at CEA awards
    • Classic - New Album Mix Photo
      The Haley Sisters: Patti, Linda, Jackie, Sandra, Nancy (Katie)

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