55 41
Private Mix
Stream Mix
Kalim Nuryati
This mix contains all of the images and songs that have been posted to the stream.
  1. Lights Down Low (Clean Version)
  2. Narcissistic Cannibal (feat. Skrillex & Kill The Noise)
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    Sebuah kekurangan akan menajamkan kepada arti pengertiankelebihan memicu kelupaan untuk diam mengurus di sembunyi egois diriDan kekuranganmu bicara kejujuranSebab kelebihanmu berkata perluMaka kekurangan dan kelebihan akan tenang dalam martabat keseimbanganA shortage will sharpen the sense of understanding excess triggers silent forgetfulness to take care of in hidden selfish self And shortcomings speak honesty For your strong say need Then the advantages and disadvantages will be calm in the dignity of the balance
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    Fruits of the meaning of perseverance For me is a waste of dementia in life even though you are young Work and work must be accompanied by prayer and set aside savings that reinforce each other when suddenly a strong and rich flavor that only a victory of memories Trust your parents will inspire even if you have no I stepped interpret every struggle and tried to replenish the work! by: Quotes Kalim
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    perhaps finish up with a promise of a state, not with the insistence perhaps difficult to be presented with humor, not with tension rich perhaps achieved with ease, not by ambition perhaps success reached by accident rather than by seriousness perhaps smart reached by ignorance, not by learning perhaps favors tasted the bitterness, not by easement perhaps you realize all materialized from perhaps of the dreams are hidden!barangkali janji selesaikan dengan keadaan,bukan dengan kengototanbarangkali sulit dipaparkan dengan kelucuan,bukan dengan keteganganbarangkali kaya diraih dengan kemudahan,bukan dengan ambisibarangkali sukses ditempuh dengan ketidaksengajaan bukan dengan keseriusanbarangkali pintar ditempuh dengan kebodohan,bukan dengan pembelajaranbarangkali nikmat dikecap dengan kepahitan,bukan dengan keenakanbarangkali kamu sadarsemua terwujud dari barangkalidari mimpi-mimpi yang tersembunyi !by:[@quotes|profile_50159007] [@kalim.nuryati|profile_10185458]
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    You used to tell me to be quiet you can not-nothing now you know the meaning of my silence is not the same as that used my silence now my silence now membelajarkan success not menyangkakan
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    Language is a system of cultural and socio-cultural phenomenon that is never free from the user community. Because the language not only as a means of communication and socialization but also as a mirror of the cultural community of users. Language has an important role to help the process of understanding, because it always gives a sign of the idea, the atmosphere of spiritual, ethical, aesthetic, and social regulation when language users live / berada.Ini means that the language and culture have a strong relationship. We can use the language for things positively or negatively affecting the harmonious relationship between man and society. This is the reason that a person needs to learn the language, especially the speech act so that he can use the language correctly.
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    hadiah itu hidayahseperti belajar cara mendapatkannyaThe prize guidance such as learning how to get itQuotes kalim
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    Teaching was like a soothing water, such as wind brings softness like a star as an outcome of such a nature that safeguard the peaceful Worldwide formations knoweldge rays. Teaching it as calm as the root of the tree strengthen the complementary synergies everything. And the LORD was first taught to man is reading Whenever I went to school there must be processed each time to go to class even though there were discussed!
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    The authority only to increase our faith in God .Amen[@kalim.nuryati|profile_10185458] Quotes
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    If you were like me, you laugh Had I like you you tell the difference And all of them are not the same even though the cell They said like it Such is not the same even in the face and soul Teaching is definitely not the same person even in the same class![@kalim.nuryati|profile_10185458] Quotes
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    heard a moment is a joy to share the inspiration heading by : @kalim nuryati
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    Looked at the moment is simple inspiration,by[@kalim.nuryati|profile_10185458]
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    expression is art
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    degree is not everything, but everything needs ideals
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    are now friends...shaking your's thumb
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    you are willing to be glad
  • Stream Mix Mix Photo
    Are friends...keep smile

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