Private Mix
Classic - 4th Of July '09
Jackie Dickenson
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 5:36:42 AM
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Why is every one all wet? O thats right water balloons any one?
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Get your mind out of the gutter I have cloths on!
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      MmMmM Shrimp on the Barbey.
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      I don't know how Cristie's car got hot dog on it, I swear...
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Chillin in the front yard to get away from the dogs in the back yard
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      MmMmMm Chicken on the Barbey
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Side walk chalk Alayna will never know we used her birthday present.
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Grrrrrrr even bigger.
    • Classic - 4th Of July '09 Mix Photo
      Why does every one have on different clothes than earlier

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