Private Mix
Classic - skating
Jason Pregent
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/24/2014 11:04:48 AM
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      me starting kickflip
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      just got off easy
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      my old school i love ollieing down them stairs years back rip plan b fiber light ):
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      5 stair at the church ha i cased that uberness
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      ollie off picnic tables. BRIDGGET which i think i spelled rong ownzzz
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      heat kills
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      some olddd shiot
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      old shtufff but i love my skate dice haha
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      old nose blunt on shauns halfpipe
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      wicked high ollie over the chair haha
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      clean kickflip
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      pogo to finger flip
    • Classic - skating Mix Photo
      finger flip

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