Private Mix
Classic - My Photos
Jennifer Eolin
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/23/2014 6:09:59 PM
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      This is my sister Sara - I love her! (And no, we're not twins...)
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      I "heart" pretzels!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Holy crap - I'm showing leg AND wrist! WOO! Hussy!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Tinkerbell's wearing a thong!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Even dogs like to write!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Snoopy drinks TEA! HOORAY!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Tricia made this for me! It's Olay in a Miranda shirt! YAY!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Lauren's 80's birthday party - Like, I'm totally a valley girl!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      I bought that jacket in London in December 1987 for $40.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Yeah. I'm not happy.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Obviously, I wasn't into the orange carpet. So I drooled on it to let it know what I thought of it.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      A darling at 8. CAKE!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      A card that I made for my mom in the 80's. Awww.
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Best birthday gift ever!
    • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
      Thinking. "To have bacon, or to not have bacon. THAT is the question." I'm a deep person.

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