Private Mix
Classic - memorial day parade
Jeff Niceley
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 10:08:41 PM
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      One of our trucks getting ready for the parade
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Lining up for a group picture
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Niceley's Knights showing the patriotic spirit
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Since it took so long to get them all together, I took two pictures!
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      She just can't quite reach the pedals!
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Everyone just waiting
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      The kids got a kick out of the old car
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Fellow parader with a Nash Metropolitan
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      The horses came last
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Elsmere police chief on the right, VFW member on the left, our vehicles in the background
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      The memorial ceremony was well done
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Even after the parade and ceremony, the car got lookers
    • Classic - memorial day parade Mix Photo
      Mayor Bradford on the left

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