Private Mix
Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show
Jeff Niceley
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 10:08:41 PM
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      Model T Depot Hack, 1926/27
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      1929 Model A, Original
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      Two Model T Touring cars
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      The 'open car' section, Model T's
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      1926 Model T Coupe
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      1915 Model T Touring Car, Note the brass radiator and lights, last year for brass
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      Not a Model T! But was a really cool car!
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      Model T Vending truck...snacks, ice cream, etc...not sure, but by the before and after pics, this seemed to be original
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      1912 McLaughlin...Beautiful!!! Canadian division of Buick at that time. note where the steering wheel is! loads of brass!!!
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      Another view of the McLaughlin....very few of these have survived, especially the Canada versions.
    • Classic - 2008 Georgetown Tractor Show Mix Photo
      This is a 1926 Oldsmobile Truck, appeared to be very original, saw them driving it away later in the day, ran great!!

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