  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    me and rodo she's awsome
  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    me anderson and johnny haas
  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    3 peice all day every day don't ask
  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    rj's hair was soft
  • Classic - peace pa Mix Photo
    yea where nuts
  • Classic - peace pa Mix Photo
    the best sister in the world hands down
  • Classic - peace pa Mix Photo
    u know we the best
  • Classic - peace pa Mix Photo
    love her
  • Classic - peace pa Mix Photo
    i love them both very much
  • Classic - prom Mix Photo
    me and jess at prom gonna miss her
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    hahahahahah tities hairr
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    damn im white
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    these vain's are filled with red white and blue
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    back in the day at katie millers house good times miss them
  • Classic - My Photos Mix Photo
    some of the happyest times of my life #3 yea it's me

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