Private Mix
Classic - Old School
Kyle O Street
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/10/2014 2:40:36 PM
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Kai and I looking as tough as we can
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Katrina with I for the release of the last Harry Potter
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Julie Ebbie and I at the opening of rent, we came in costume...cant you tell I'm Collins?
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Ahh sophisticates
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Where's Kyle? O cmon guess...
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      I don't need to explain myself
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      And then we graduated and got as far away from each other as possible
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      The Jets...sans Riff
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      easy action....
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      I miss you guys
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      Die Robo-Vac!!
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      I need my board back
    • Classic - Old School Mix Photo
      You have no idea how hard it was not to laugh..apparently this was the time I hit carlos in the balls, but only cause he licked my ear lobe

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