Private Mix
Classic - PLAY:stl '08
The Fabric
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/11/2014 3:29:00 PM
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Our crazy front man
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      The Fabric boys up to no good
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      This photo isn't blurry...we were. Also here, girls from Vicki.
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Ooh that's nasty!!!
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Dante once again proves that good things come in small packages. Although, word is he's hung like a woolly mammoth!
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Partying with the enemy????? You can't see the jack boots in this photo.
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Sean in camo
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Ben and Piper...we love them!
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Yes, we got a table!
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      The French Kicks
    • Classic - PLAY:stl '08 Mix Photo
      Albert has played with all the greats.

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