Private Mix
Classic - Music Related
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/4/2014 1:49:31 PM
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      BX5 M-Audio Studio Monitors
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      Dug all these, anyone got some more?
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      E-MU 1820..Fuckin love it!
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      Stanton T80 Turntable, Digital output ..Fucken phat!
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      How its done in acid pro 2 , 8 yr old old app
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      Newest addition to the family, Motif ES6
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      TANNOY TS-10 SUBWOOFER, this shit will bring u back to life
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      White label, fucken fresh
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      back cover
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      Yes, DEVIZE is on record..finally. I produced 2 beats on this 5 track EP titled MUDMOWTH - THE CIRCUS IN THE CEMETERY. Available to purchase
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      Article continued
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo
      The Morning Bulletin 11th of Dec 08. Article bout the Sharkmen movie & SID ALBZ's album.
    • Classic - Music Related Mix Photo

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