Owen John, a.k.a. deSlayah, has been transformed from a typical marijuana-using, alcoholic youngster to a purposed entertainer speaking out against the very lifestyle that once held him captive.
In 2005 he completed a punchy, thought-provoking reggae/ dancehall album entitled, “Slaying Time” under the name Dragon Slayer. Immediately afterwards, he traveled to Europe for a brief tour of England and Scotland, where he created quite a stir.

On March 17, 2007, under an expanded management team, he made a bold statement with the official album launch and, simultaneously, the launch of a youth empowerment movement currently targeting primary and secondary school students in Barbados.

His musical milestones to date include owner of R.B.I.C Productions Inc, singing, writing, co-arranging and co-producing his debut album, “Slaying Time”; Pic-o-De-Crop semifinalist 2005, party monarch finalist 2008, and Best Gospel Song in the Revo-dub-o-lution 2004.

Some of his performances include Barbados Gospelfest’s One Awesome Day event at Farley Hill in May 2007, which earned him front page coverage in the Nation Newspaper on May 28, 2007, even ahead of headliners Canton Jones, Stitchie, Samantha Clarke and Isaac Blackman. He was also mentioned in every local review of the event and a well-earned featured story in a later edition of the Nation publication.

Prior, he blessed the microphone at the Gospelfest 2007 Extreme Youth event at Club Xtreme; Barbados, “De Oval” Cricket Entertainment Village and Jesus 2007 – Not Out, during the ICC Cricket World Cup 2007 series; the “War in the City” outreach under the banner of his home church, Kingdom Culture International, at Jubilee Gardens, Bridgetown’ and at the St. Alban’s Primary School during his outreach ministry.

deSlayah, 32, is married to liturgical dancer, Sophia John. Together they make a formidable weapon for the advancement, establishment and fortification of the Kingdom of God. Tel: 246-829-9724

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