Private Mix
Classic - Touring/Performing
Christine Miller
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/20/2014 8:06:18 PM
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      NY with Xtina Rasch and Evander Holyfield for Parkinsons Benefit
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Private event performing with Actor/singer Blake Ewing
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Hangin' with sound engineer Rich McIntosh en route to Chicago
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      on the road again, with John Tesh
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Soccer Stadium, w/ the TCB gals @ sound-check, Quito, Ecuador
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      In concert in Sacramento
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Crystal Lewis!!!! Love her!!!! So gifted and so sweet.
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      With my buddy Luis Conte at the Panama Canal
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Gutierrez Brothers, you Rock!
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Love you Dennis!!
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      With Tesh - Colorado Springs
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      With Gavin DeGraw at Yamaha Allstars
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      Franklin Graham Festival w/ Tommy Coomes
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      On tour - backstage w/ Dancer Breeze Lee
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo
      On tour - backstage with Shauna Chanda
    • Classic - Touring/Performing Mix Photo

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