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Classic - Some Places I've Lived...
Miles Pieri
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/23/2014 8:50:59 PM
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Kidlington, Oxfordshire. This is where I grew up. My mum and dad are buried in the churchyard of St. Mary's, seen in the background
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Thrupp, in the Cotswolds. I lived a couple of minutes walk from here, in nearby Shipton-on-Cherwell, for five years.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Oxford. I lived here, worked here and attended college here. When people ask where I'm from, the only honest answer is probably 'Oxford.'
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      The 'Nagy Templom' in Debrecen, Hungary. Cliche or not, I had some of the best and worst moments of my life living in this city.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Cambridge.The last place I lived in England, where I went to University. The white house sticking out on the left was my girlfriend's place!
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Beautiful Budapest. Home. The only place I truly miss. Probably where I'll always feel I belong. Maybe I'll go home one day. :(
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      I may only have lived in New York City for six weeks, but in a strange way it felt like a lifetime.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Houston, Texas. Never, ever again! That said, I miss my friends there.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Clearlake, Texas. Slightly better than Houston. Still a shithole.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Evanston, Wy. Another, mercifully, short stay. Redneck yahoo trailer trash paradise. Very possibly a contender for shittest place on Earth.
    • Classic - Some Places I've Lived... Mix Photo
      Ventura blvd., just down the road from home, here in the valley. Against all predictions, I actually love living in Los Angeles. :)

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