Private Mix
Classic - Fun Times In Bogota!
Edwin Hodge
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/21/2014 6:16:17 PM
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Marisa and I before the unknown exhausting trip!!!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Nicholas and I... We had no idea what we were getting into!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      For those who really know me... What the hell was I doing in the jungle!?!?!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      A very ugly spider made the beautiful web.
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      All of that fucking mud... and I had my good shoes on!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Nicholas, Marisa and I at the begging of the decent. The elevation was so high, we were literally in the clouds.
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Midway through the decent...
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      It was gorgeous out there as you can see.
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      More beautifulness!!!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      This is the entrance to the Salt Cathedral.
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      The cast slumming in the Salt Cathedral!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      One of the fifteen crosses on the educational journey!
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Carolina, myself, Aura and Warren before our crazy night out.
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      This was only the beginning...
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Don't ask...
    • Classic - Fun Times In Bogota! Mix Photo
      Warren and I were taking in all of the craziness

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