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Classic - Girls night! woohoo!
Ashley Ryan
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 2/22/2014 5:34:24 AM
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Sheila, me, Dez and Dory
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Me, Dez and Tammy....i have no idea what was so good...
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      I think she's petting me....i'm not sure
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Dez, praying to the bud light gods
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Soooooo...this is how the night began, hehe
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Pretty ladies....and a peace
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Pretty sure this is the picture where dez told me i don't look like my self....I look hott! Thanks dez LOL j/k
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Dez, ever aware of the weirdos around us
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      I don't know how this came to be....i just know i'm in desperate need of a tan.
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      She really didn't want to lose the purse, lol
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Dez and idea what they're doin
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Tammy looks like this is gonna hurt.
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Me and Dez and the cherry stems from the cherries i don't remember us eating....
    • Classic - Girls night! woohoo! Mix Photo
      Awww, smiley Dez

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