Aleks Maslakov was born in 1985 in Daugavpils (Latvia).
At the age of 8 years he started to play accordion at the music school in Daugavpils. Then he has studied accordion by Valery Hodukin at a Music College in Daugavpils. During study he was the winner of international competitions in Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia, Finland and Italy.Further music education got on a class of accordion by prof. Hugo Noth and prof. Hans Maier at the “Hochschule für Musik Trossingen” (Germany).

In 2006 he created the Accordion Jazz Project D’ACCORD. This Band is a platform for his experiments as the composer/arranger and for searching new "planets", suitable for the accordion's “LIFE” in infinitely huge universe of music styles and genres.

With Accordion Jazz Project D’ACCORD Aleks had some successful concerts in different jazz clubs (Germany): Topos-Leverkusen, B-Flat-Berlin, Armer Konrad-Weinstadt etc.; Jazzfestival 2011 in Regensburg, Jazznachwuchsfestival 2012 in Leipzig, Concert with European FUN Quartet in Jazz Festival 2014 in Serres (France). Concerts in Lithuania, Latvia, Switzerland, France.

2011 - Winner of the 1. Open Contest in Trossingen (Germany).

2012 - 2. Price on an international accordion competition “Citta di Castelfidardo” in category "I" (light music) in Castelfidardo (Italy).

2013 - Master Class by Richard Galliano at “Academie Musicale de Villecroze” (France).

2014 - Winner (1. Price) of the international accordion competition “Citta di Castelfidardo” in category "L" (light music) in Castelfidardo (Italy).

2014 - CD “The Wave Of Inspiration” with Accordion Jazz Project D’ACCORD.

He plays in many different styles: swing, gypsy jazz, modern jazz, free jazz, funk, fusion, tango nuevo, classic, new music.

Performances with: Richard Galliano, Jörg Enz, Reinhold Hettich, Franco Petrocca, Matthias Anton, Martin Hess, Nicholas Charkviani, Arno Haas, Matthias Ostertag, Alvin Mills, Stephan Schuchardt, Michael Lauenstein.

Since 2005 he live and work in Germany.

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