trying to make our country a better place visionary and utopist....


master-fr1 Skype , a za mob i ostalo, add me please. my language is croatian so translate it- who doesnt get it : Umoran od odvratne zbilje u ovoj nasoj truloj drzavi i okruženja maloumnošću, zato ja mijenjam stvari i unosim dijelić fantazije u ovu realnost koja se mijenja kako narod želi, jer mi vidimo laži i klerofašiste koji vladaju nama u suradnji sa crkvom. Openminded I am , education and knowledge must be inside our very fibre of us. Reject fear and ksenofobic hate and anger of unknown ! Embrace interesting unknown, humanity , friendship, understanding other people. So chose Love ! , or hate and fear- the Choise is Yours to make....

Bragging rights

Wrote 2 Books : 1. The Grand Grimorij & Necronomicon 2. Koljan Koljar - poetry and story ! But there in gallery on my facebook :)

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