Private Mix
Classic - family
Sandra Watson
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/2/2014 11:17:04 AM
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      DJ smiling at only 5 minutes old.....
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      DJ again
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Me, playing golf with Devin and Tanner
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Danny and Tanner in the background Me and Devin
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Devin and Tanner
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Me and Stacy Faye
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      My family
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Emmie leaving the hospital
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Emmie 1 week old
    • Classic - family Mix Photo
      Devin, Emmie & Tanner

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