Private Mix
Classic - The New House
Janell DeYoung
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/4/2014 10:43:36 PM
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Moving day into our new place
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Our dogs love to hang in our backyard
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      The kitchen
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Dining Room
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Front Room
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Our room
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      The downstairs art studio (in progress)
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Front Room other view
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
      Guest room
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo
    • Classic - The New House Mix Photo

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