Private Mix
Classic - Montana
Janell DeYoung
Photos migrated from Classic Myspace on 3/4/2014 10:43:37 PM
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Grizzly Bears in Yellowstone over Mother's Day weekend
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Grizzly Bears fighting in Yellowstone, we were so close
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Me in the Lewis and Clark Caverns
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Deer by our house in Montana
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek hiking
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek with a fish
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek with a spotting scope looking for Osprey in the "Canyon" area in Yellowstone
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek with a fish
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Doug, Shayla, Derek and I after a day of murel mushroom hunting
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek holding a dog. This is the day we went dog sledding in the mountains.
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Shayla and I on a hike
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek and I on a hike
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Shayla and Doug on the waterfall. I was happy to take the picture from down below.
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Dave, Lisa and I waiting an hour and a half to see Old Faithful
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Derek and I with a fish
    • Classic - Montana Mix Photo
      Hiking with the dogs at Pine Creek

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