
New York singer-songwriter begins the journey of standing still on new track.

As singer-songwriter Katie Buchanan says herself, "All I ever plan to do is leave." It's one of the first lines in her new song "Oh Lord," but according to Buchanan, this is a song about standing still. The song will appear on her forthcoming album Who We Are When We're Standing due out in June, which Buchanan says "is a record about learning to stand still. And as the first track, 'Oh Lord' gives us the initial state to grow from."

Not only is it the first track on the album, the folk-pop tune also has the longest history. ""Oh Lord" is the oldest song on the record," Buchanan admits. "After my last album, I played a lot but didn't put anything to tape for a while. So this song got to live it's early life as a song and not a track." The song's theme is straight from her life. "I'm constantly trying to make better use of my words, constantly trying to keep my feet and mind still, and not let them both run wild."

Listen to "Oh Lord" below.


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