Say it with a song...
and why not indeed especially when you have a lot to say and a voice strong enough to make sure you are heard!

Keltrix is a varied beast, grooving it up one minute with freak folk foot stomping crowd pleaser's before sliding into ambient acoustic moments then rousting it all up again with hints of ska, rock, disco and dubfunk. An eclectic mix but one that appears to work...

The music of Keltrix appeals on a variety of levels through a distinct variety of sound-scapes, eclectic, ancestral and contemporary sounds underpinned by a solid 'no nonsense' rhythm section. Such a dynamic range means that Keltrix are a band you can dance to or admire with a knowing stroke of ones chin.

Keltrix are led, most fearlessly into battle by Keri. Better known as 'Scouse' for obvious reasons after a few ciders, Keri's fiery, temperament is just as apparent in her voice as it is in her general demeanor citing her influences for material as coming from: life, ancestry, loving, loathing, the many levels of abuse, death, birth, and everything in-between;

Keri says she writes the majority of Keltrix's material, 'When the shreaking voices in my head get so loud that I have to go and pen it down to silence the sound/shut the bugger up! I have no choice, they write themselves, I am but the mucky messenger...

All this would be futile, pointless and a bit shit without the increadible musical backing from the best bunch of musicians on the planet -

Sharon Sullivan - Violin / sanity

Paul Velour - Guitar / insanity

David Spivak - Bass / brilliance

Tom Hartley - Drums / bad behaviour

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